Sunday, September 23, 2012


Let me introduce myself; I am a professional certified ballroom dance instructor.  I have been dancing since 1992 and teaching since 1998.   I love what I do! 

My mission is to enhance others' lives through dance.  I believe that when others achieve their goals in dance, it is evidence that they can do anything!  I have been blessed to witness many students achieve in life and through this beautiful art what previously seemed unachievable to them. 

The purpose of this blog to share my personal experiences in ballroom dance, the experiences of my students, and to enrich as many lives as possible through the art of dance. 

I am filled with gratitude for my past and current coaches, and for all of my former, current, and future students who are the vehicle through which I fulfill my mission in life. 

May all of our dreams come true!

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