Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A FUN Resolution

Many of us begin a New Year with great intentions and resolve to improve ours.  We renew gym memberships, go on diets, quit smoking – steadfast in our pursuit of newly formed healthy habits or resolved to shed ourselves of old bad habits.

As we say goodbye to 2012 and welcome a brand new year, I have been thinking of my own resolutions to help me achieve greater health, happiness, and growth in 2013.   Considering some of life indulgences that I am willing to leave behind, I realize that my favorite luxury in life is one that I never need give up – DANCE!  Dance enhances the body, the mind, and supports every positive improvement one might resolve to achieve.  More, it is FUN!

So, in 2013, I suggest that we all make a resolution to add more FUN to our lives, along with more DANCE!  Whether, your passion is Waltz, Rumba, or a Country Two Step, I wish you all many hours on the dance floor in New Year!  No doubt, this resolution will also find you meeting many other goals.

Wishing everyone the Happiest New Year!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Gift of Dance

At a recent holiday event, I met an interesting, motivated new Executive of the company I was visiting. Our conversation quickly turned to ballroom dance, as I introduced myself and this gentleman shared that his wife has always wanted to dance! By the end of our lively conversation, he had purchased a gift certificate for a package of dance lessons for his wife as a Christmas gift.

This Executive is an avid skydiver, triathlete, and very successful business leader. However, he shared his fear of the dance floor. I was very proud of him and excited to hear him announce, “I am just going to go for it!” I suppose for him, it is no different than jumping out of a plane in a free fall to the earth. More, what could be more loving than setting aside one’s own trepidation in order to make a wife’s dream come true!

This experience turned my thoughts to the true gift of ballroom dance. Each of us finds a life path leading to the dance floor for a variety of personal reasons. However, once we all arrive, dance bestows upon each of us glorious gifts that enrich our lives.

Ballroom dance teaches us to be better partners, leaders and followers - literally and figuratively. It improves our bodies, challenges our minds, and brings light to our spirits. Ballroom dance is an exciting path to personal growth.

This holiday season, give the gift of dance and watch the ones you love grow!
Contact me to purchase a gift certificate today!