Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome 2013!

As we begin this beautiful New Year, I am filled with thoughts of building a stronger, more united dance community in Austin during 2013.

Dancers, instructors, studios, and dance clubs, alike, share a responsibility to each other in building a strong community in a city as small as Austin. 
We need each other! 
We need a spirit of cooperation, support, and mutual promotion in order to grow together, increasing our population of dancers.

Dance is an enriching gift and fulfilling art! 

What a lovely way to express the fun and joy that one experiences in life!  Who would not want to share in this?

On February 2 – Austin is host to a Free Day of Dance 
If you love the art of dance, or if have not yet learned to dance but have always wanted to, this is a great opportunity to experience dance lessons!  I will at Balance Dance Studios donating my time during this community-wide effort. 

You don’t want to miss it!

Here is a great link to a website that advertises Austin dance studios, clubs, events, and instruction throughout the city
James Skowbo, host of this terrific resource, publishes a weekly newsletter that will keep you updated on all dance-related activities throughout the city.  James has been a long-time supporter of dance and is committed to keeping our community together and informed.

Thank you, James!  You do a great job and you are sincerely appreciated by all!

I hope to see you all on the dance floor in 2013!



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