Monday, September 24, 2012

Every Dancer Starts at the Beginning

Very often, as an instructor, I find myself supporting my students through periods of discouragement when their expectations of personal growth as dancers exceed their current level of skill. In truth, every dancer experiences this. It can feel disappointing when our desire to move beautifully and perfectly on the dance floor is not matched by our level of development.

I implore each of my students to have faith. Every dancer starts at the beginning. Every world champion, at one time, was a brand new student taking his or her first dance lesson. I certainly identify with this and clearly recall my early days in dance when discouragement could have easily set my feet on new course, turning me away from dance.

To every student of dance, young or old, new or experienced, I encourage you to embrace your stage of development. Dance is a journey. Your current skill level is but a single stepping stone on a long, lovely path up the mountain. If you relax, have fun, and enjoy the journey, you are sure to continue advancing towards greater success.

I have included photos of my early competitions and performances as an instructor. For over 20 years, ballroom dance has been my passion and fuel which has powered my progress as an artist and instructor. It is a blessing to share this passion and beautiful art with my students.

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