Saturday, January 26, 2013

Our Wonderful Community

After owning my own dance studio in Oak Hill, I am filled with gratitude for the open arms that have welcomed me and my students at Balance Dance Studios in South Austin.

Owning a studio was a fun adventure that introduced me to many new students, colleagues, and helped me to grow a wonderful “dance family” that I wholeheartedly love. 

What a blessing it has been over the past three months to find myself, my students, and the art of partner dancing fully embraced by the warm, wonderful staff at Balance.

Kathy and Kristin, BDS's sharp and savvy studio owners, have a pioneering spirit, astute business sense, as well as a gift for dance.

Danielle, Shelby, Shawna and Trulie make up Balance’s very supportive and helpful staff.  Each has the heart of a servant leader and a love for dance.

Balance Dance Studios has so much to offer the Austin dance community, incorporating classes in a wide-variety of dance styles, along with fitness that supports every dancer’s body and health.  In fact, the scope of classes at Balance is broad enough to even include families and mothers-to-be. 

Personally, I love being a part of a studio that supports the art of dance in all of its forms.

I encourage every member of the Austin dance community to visit Balance.  I know you will find it to be a warm, welcoming addition to your world of dance.

Keep dancing!

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